On December 8th of last year, AMG had the opportunity to interview Slow Magic at his show at The Observatory North Park. For readers unaware of who he is, the artist is one of the most mysterious artists in the Electronic music scene. If you wanted to know more about the artist then today is your lucky day. Slow Magic does not do too many interviews now-a-days so getting to sit down and meeting the man behind the mask in person is rare.
What was the song when you were a kid that made you want to get into music?
SM: I don’t know if I have one. I just remember realizing what music was by listening to it. My parents would play music alot when I was younger. I remember listening to a Beach Boys’ cassette tape. I don’t know if I knew who they were back then but I would just listen to it every night.
Do you ever go unmasked before your set and just ask people what they think about Slow Magic?
SM: My very first show, I tried that. I’ve been able to sneak around sometimes without the mask on. I’m wearing the mask now though because I don’t usually take it off.
You seem pretty close to Giraffage. How did you two meet?
SM: When I started Slow Magic, I talked to Charlie (Giraffage) online five years ago. We were both starting out and just really liked each other’s music. We’ve done some tours together two years ago and even some in Europe. He’s probably my closest musical friend.
You've were in numerous musical projects before so was there anything you took away from them that you incorporated into Slow Magic?
SM: Yeah. I’ve made music for as long as I can remember. All those past projects really helped me learn how to play music as well as I do today. Playing in bands, playing drums, and learning music, really helped make me who I am today. I was even in marching band, jazz band, and even did drumline when I was younger. I taught myself before that though with the drums I had at my house.
You've chopped your own vocals and put them in tracks before but will you ever sing on one?
SM: I’ve definitely messed with my own voice but I don’t feel like a singer most of the times. Sometimes i’m happy I don’t have to sing on stage because it’s alot of work and especially when you get sick, it’s a bigger deal then if you’re just drumming. I’ve worked with vocalists more on my last album this year so we’ll see. Maybe i’ll be brave enough to sing or something on my next album.
What do you think is the most obscure sample you've used for a song?
SM: I’ve used a sample of a train station in Japan as a sample in one of my songs. That was cool. When I travel around, I like to take in the sounds of the places around me. One sample I used early on was this record I found of a tribal recording from a really long time ago. I used that for a song. The sample was really weird. It was as mysterious as I can imagine from a random, unmarked record.
Do you ever give your instruments a name?
SM: I don’t for my drums but I feel like I should since I feel bad for hitting them so hard. I don’t think I want to personify them because I feel kinda bad. I have synth sounds that I have names for but  not human names.
I know that Smash Mouth follows you on Twitter which seems so random to me. Who are some artists that you'd like to collaborate with that most people or your fans wouldn't expect?
SM: It was a surprise. I would totally do a song with them. I would also do one with Sufjan Stevens. I’m really open to working with anyone. Oh! I’d love to work with Phoenix. I’d obviously be down to work with them.
What are some things you do to unwind when you're not performing?
SM: Alot of the time, I’m working on music but I like to play video games sometimes. I like Nintendo and i’ve been playing the Nintendo Switch on the tour bus. I like to chill with my wife (Dream Angel) and I just take it easy because when you’re on the road, there’s so much going on. I’m looking forward to the holidays after the tour so I can get a little bit of sleep.
What character from "Parks and Rec" do you relate to the most?
SM: I would choose Ron Swanson. I think he’s a bit like Slow Magic.
Your tour is coming to an end soon. Do you have any plans for your New Year's Eve?
SM: Not right now. We’ll see what will happen but i’m mostly excited to work on new music and get home to my studio.
I really like your mask. It reminds me of a mix of like a fox or something like a lion and I think Slow Magic would be someone that would be fun to be with at the zoo with you. So my question is have you ever thought of doing a set at a zoo or anything like that? It would be like a Zoo Party.
SM: Yeah, that would be cool. I’ve thought of that before. I haven’t yet though because i’m worried about the animals. Maybe their hearing because I know dogs have really sensitive hearing. If it’s ethical and all then i’m down for it. If it was soundproof for the animals. You know, i’m pretty sure bands have performed at zoos before so i’d want to. It would be sick.
What’s in store for Slow Magic for 2018?
SM: Definitely alot. I can’t give away everything but i’m working on new music already and some shows I will play. Looking forward to doing a bunch next year. As much as I can.